Monday, June 22, 2009

Catch Up

So the last couple of months have been a whirlwind, as is the norm in the life o' Dee. A quick run down of some of the more notable moments:
  • Obi went cold turkey on the bottle. No more bottles before bed time. We had a celebratory party to say 'Goodbye to the Babbas'! Have to say - I was about 99% sure that this tactic was not going to work out as nicely as it had played out in my head the 500 times that I'd carefully run through it with the hopes of avoiding a nuclear milk/babba meltdown. Surprisingly, my approach of 'expect the worst and you'll always be pleasantly surprised' came in handy, as Obi masterfully and ceremoniously took each bottle, one by one, and threw it in the garbage (with a quick 'by babba!'.. no tears even!). As soon as it was over, he was right back to his Wubbzy and didn't skip a beat. He's a Rock Star.
  • Obi grew up overnight... perhaps resulting from or in tandem (will never know for sure), Obi literally woke up one day a couple of weeks ago and decided that he was going to be a big boy. There was no resting on ceremony, no back and forth, no changing of the mind... he just simply was no longer a baby. This means that he now wants to 1) sleep in Jayden's big boy bed (which of course is a fun conversation on a nightly basis, 2) sit in Jayden's big boy car booster seat instead of his baby carseat (again, a quick and lovely discussion each time we get into the car), and 3) no longer sit in the 'baby' chair at the kitchen table (aka the nasty kid chair instead of mom/dad's nice expensive chairs). This has now resulted in 5 of the 8 'nice' chairs being re-allocated as 'whatever, lets the kids sit there, we'll have to get new ones anyway' chairs. OH, AND he is doing a MUCH better job at going potty in the BIG Boy Potty (no, not the $30 little kids starter potty that I bought... side note: why did I buy this? I did the same thing with Jayden and he never used it. Went straight to the big potty. I should start taking notes, just in case we do this again). No #2 yet, but LOTS of #1 and LOTS of wearing of the pull-ups, which is AWESOME!!!
  • Jayden is officially on summer break and about to turn 7 (reminder to self to start planning birthday soon). He's going to Salt Lake with the grandparents to visit his cousins and Aunt Ben/Deb and we've officially made the decision to let him fly by himself on the way home (they're driving up). That's all I'll say about that... the less I talk about it, the less I think about it, the less I'll worry and want to change my mind.
  • I've run into a few minor health issues over the last couple of months. Lots of tests, but all seems well. Found (by accident) a spot on my lung that we're going to monitor for the next couple of years via CT scan every 6 months. Nothing to be too concerned about (although I certainly had my share of 'let me worry about something that hasn't happened and is less than a 1% chance that it will', 'you better love me today in case I die' moments). I'm over myself now. Back to normal.
  • I prit much have the greatest husband in the land (not really sure what 'land' means, but thought it sounded more romantic and reminiscent of the old school movies). He's taken me out on TWO (not one people, but TWO) date nights in the last month. Not sure what I did, but it's working. Love him. OH, and we're going on a mini-vaca to The Sanctuary in a couple of weeks while Jayden is in UT. Just thinking about it is giving me a second wind already!
  • Okay, so likely resulting from all of the items above, I'm also reconsidering my stance on having more children. I know... must have lost my mind with the radiation from all of the xrays, tests in the last couple of months or something... BUT, there's something to be said about being given a real reason to re-prioritize your life. For real. I'm just so thankful for everyone in my life and everything I have and have accomplished and for all of the folks who have helped me and supported me along the way. This is where it's at and what it all means for me. The running until you're ragged, falling down at the end of the day from exhaustion, if only to get one more minute with those that you love or one more snuggle with the munchkins before bedtime. So - maybe a baby. Maybe a puppy. Maybe living and loving more of what we've already got. Either way, my cup runeth over.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Inadequate Preparation

So, a little bit has happened over the last few weeks...  here are a few snapshots:
  • Papa Don and Grandma Carole (the wonderful and blessed individuals that they are) graciously offered to keep BOTH of the children (yep, not one...  BOTH of them) overnight at their house on a recent Friday night, while Daddy was on his NM fishing trip with the boys, so that I could have a much needed, relaxing night of coffee with the girlies.  Being the planner that I am, I meticulously packed their bags, counted out vitamins, provided instructions, etc.  No worries, it's all been done before.  No...  don't count a munchkin out... he has a rider, with clear instructions that mustn't be ignored.  About the time that I get to coffee (which is about the time that the grandparents are dutifully getting the children ready for bed), Papa Don calls and says, "Um...  did you forget to tell me something?"  Of course, my heart drops to my stomach, I break into cold sweats and begin slightly panicking that perhaps I forgot some HUGELY important instruction or item for the overnight excursion.  When, naturally, I had nothin'...  dad says...  "Pink Milk"?  Ah, yes...  the Pink Milk.  Not to be confused or associated with the Great Milk Meltdown...  this is a new twist/version on the milk sensitivities of Jacoby Michael Dee.  You see, somewhere within the last two months, he decided that not only can he not drink anything other than his milk with the red or blue cap, BUT, it also must be PINK milk.  That's right...  P-I-N-K...  as in, sticky, liquidy, strawberry syrupy milk.  Mmm Hmm.  After composing myself (in response to the tragic unfolding of events that Papa described...  the tearful eye of my child as he longingly looked at Papa and Grandma and thought, "my mom brought me to a place that has no PINK milk?!?!?!  How could she?!?!" and the fact that Papa even tried to disguise the milk by coloring it with red food coloring, only for Obi to be insulted by the attempted trickery) and apologizing to Papa profusely for my utter failure as a mother to adequately prepare my children for an overnight adventure, I listened as the register at the grocery store chimed, as Papa was headed home from buying said pink syrup for Obi's milk palette pleasure.  With crisis averted, Papa and Grandma rightly redeemed and children ready for bed, all was right with the world.  As Papa put Obi down to bed, he raised his arms up and looked longingly in Papa's eyes and said, "Snuggle"?  Oops...  guess I forgot to tell him about that nighttime ritual as well.  :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Greatest Invention EVER

As it's been a few weeks since the last update, there have been a few new happenings around the Dee Zone... a couple of firsts, some fairytale excitement, and perhaps the greatest invention that and single purchase that I've made in a long time (yes, a tremendous feat, in and of itself). 
  • Obi was down for his first full week of the year.  Unfortunately, the trooper took a high fever the first week of March and couldn't break it for about a week.  As usual, he was all smiles and sweet demeanor all week throughout (well, mostly), and even got to see his Oma at the end of the week.  Luckily, his fever broke on Friday, right in time for the weekend.  So far, we've managed to get by with no further sickness for the last week or so.  Knock on wood.
  • Jayden's been having fun at school the last couple of weeks, heading into Spring Break, and had a few exciting events:  A leprechaun came into his class and STOLE their stuff and WREAKED HAVOC on the classroom, causing need for all of the students to come home and build 'leprechaun traps' to take back to school to catch the little rascal.  It's a good thing that Jayden reminded mommy and daddy of this at 7:30am (as we were walking out the door) the morning that they were due.  Thank goodness for a level headed, quick thinking, and calm daddy early in the morning.  Lesson learned.  
  • Jayden also has been working on his math skills in 1st grade, focusing on higher level addition and subtraction.  With practice, his scores have been improving, along with his excitement for math (which is completely a daddy-handed-down gift).  In fact, I'm pretty sure the words "I love math" have never come out of my mouth, although I will admit that, if I could remember the names of any of my math teachers, I would absolutely defer the point to them that they were right in the fact that "someday, you'll realize just how important it is to understand mathematic principles, blah, blah...".  They were right.  I wonder how long it will take (i.e. what grade) my oldest child will blow past me in this area on daily homework night...  6th grade, 2nd grade?  :)  
  • So, for the highlight of my last two weeks (take that for what you will)...  my fabulous husband got me for Christmas a beautiful new bicycle...  PINK in all it's glory...  well, Jayden and I have been able to ride around the neighborhood, to school on occasion, etc. and it's been awesome.  I absolutely love it.  The only way to make it any better is if the entire family could go together...  so, me in all my brilliance, found the most wonderful item at Amazon (which, quickly became a purchase and landed on my front door)...  the children's front bike seat...  have to say, if I were to ever invent something, it would be this...  it's like the perfect invention...  it brings children joy, provides convenience to parents, promotes a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and overall family activity that does not involve sitting in front of a television...  take a look:
Did I mention that Obi LOVES IT!  Really, it is too funny.  The only problem so far is, once you've got him in his bicycle helmet, don't stop (i.e. at a park, etc.) and take it off, as he doesn't want to put it back on, which can be slightly problematic.  Baby (or, at this point, Toddler) steps.  :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Week of Firsts

So, as I already am failing to write on my blog as frequently as I was hoping, I'm going to try a new strategy going forward and attempt to write at least once weekly.  Baby steps.  

The last two weeks in our house has been a whirlwind, as is typical.  We just got back from one of the first family vacations that we've taken in a LOOOOONNNG time (the last trip we took was when I was 9 months pregnant..  to Disney Land...  good times people).  I am lucky enough to have a sister in law that was willing and excited about letting the entire Dee Family, in all it's glory, crash her fantabulous pad for upwards of 5 days.  At one point in the trip, there were 20 of us in her house...  eating, sleeping, showering, making a mess...  :)  BUT, every second of our trip was one to remember, as we just want to take in every moment that we get to see each other and spend together, since they are so few and far between.  Some of the highlights from the trip:
  • I kicked everyone's tail in Guitar Hero.  (Okay, maybe not everyone...  Debbie and Amanda are still the reining queens, but, I am still undefeated by my husband...  it's probably okay that I gloat here, as he'll likely never read my blog).  :)
  • I exercised my videographer muscles and had the honor of filming the video for two of the world's most glamorous Rockstars...  Nikki and Debs.  Girls...  I can't begin to tell you how fabulous you are.  I absolutely adore you both and aspire someday to be as much of a badass as the both of you.
  • My 6 year old learned how to snowboard in like a minute.  As with most things active, he took to it naturally and proceeded to exclaim that snowboarding is his new favorite sport...  MORE than skateboarding?!?!?!  I literally thought the world stopped spinning for at least 1/2 a second in that moment, but am not positive.  He really is awesome and did a great job.  Next step:  Modesty

  • I attempted to learn snowboarding as well.  Given that I always tend to expect the worst (then, am usually pleasantly surprised), it was easier to get going than I was anticipated (once I finally figured out how to get myself to standing with both feet attached to the board)....  however, given the control freak that I am, would still prefer to have two poles in hand, and feet on two planks when I'm going down a mountain at high speed.  THANKS Uncle Mikey and Daddy for your affordable (free) instruction!  :)
  • Baby Eiley celebrated her first birthday.  This was the first time that I got to meet her. It's a really good thing that all 20 of us were there to catalog and photograph the event.  I have only about 1000 pictures of her tearing into her cake (no crying).  This baby is absolutely gorgeous, just like her mother.
  • First time for me to be in SLC.
  • First time, in a long time, that I got to be with all of my sisters in law (and those soon to be).  It was so great to get to spend time with the girls, who I love and adore tremendously and miss terribly when they aren't here.
At the end of the day, we had an absolute blast and could never possibly repay Ben and Debbie for all of their hospitality and graciousness in hosting the Dee Family Snowboarding Extraveganza.  I wish I could say that next time we could do it at our house, but we don't even have one guest room.  Hahaha...  

Since returning home, Obi seems to be back to his normal, happy, smiley self (we ran into a few meltdowns in the SLC...  likely a combo of just being out of his element, the number of people, etc).  He's talking sooooo much now and tries to repeat full sentences.  He is very clingy to mommy over the last few weeks and always wants me to hold him (he looks up at me, raises his arms and says 'hold you?')...  how can you resist that???  Yesterday morning, I was awakened by the sound of someone saying "911 emergency, how can I help you?"...  This was coming from the hallway and, as I was groggily coming to, realized quickly that this was neither 1) a play phone or, 2) the tv.  I jumped out of bed and grabbed the phone from Obi, only to have to explain to the emergency dispatcher how sorry I was and that my two year old had inadvertently grabbed my phone and invoked the 'emergency call' function.  Really?!?!?!?!  It was about at that time that Jayden woke up and both boys wanted to watch cartoons.  After getting them situated, I took myself and my migraine back to bed to lay down for a few mins.  Less than 20 minutes later, Jayden rushed into our bedroom to tell us that "Obi just pooped all over the couch!". Although I was hoping that somehow this story had gone horribly wrong in translation, my 6 year old was, indeed, correct.  All of this before 9am on Saturday morning.  AWESOME! However, have to say...  the rest of the day was a piece of cake.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Great Milk Meltdown

I've finally decided that these moments with my children can not possibly continue to go uncaptured any longer.  They are just too random and too precious and, I'm learning that if I wait too long to try to remember these stories and the things that they did and said that had me in awe or in stitches, it's usually too late and the moment has been lost in the chaos that is our life.  So, I've decided to try this blogging thing out and get these moments down, as they happened, for myself, for my children (and their spouses someday), and for anyone else who so chooses to read them.  

One such moment occurred this morning with Obi.  Keep in mind, at this point, Obi is now 2 years old.  He is officially 2 years and one month old this week.  This morning we experienced what will forever be referred to as the 'Great Milk Meltdown'.  We've begun to endearingly refer to these two year old moments of tantrum as meltdowns and, wow... was there ever a meltdown this morning.  To his credit, it was induced by my utter failure as a mother to ensure that our refrigerator is forever stocked with cold, refreshing, whole (red-capped) Obi-milk, ready and waiting for him at any given moment when his milk thirst might take over.  Upon waking up this morning and learning that we were (gasp!!) out of milk...  panic mode, shortly followed by impending meltdown quickly ensued.  Mommy quickly (after 10 minutes of.. 'is he really not going to get over this and drink something else?  Water?  Apple juice?  Dare I say... SOY milk?", scrambled to get clothed in order to make a dire milk run to squelch the problem.  In reference to the soy milk attempt above...  let's just say that it ended with a bottle being chucked halfway across the house in contempt.  

Minutes later, as mommy rushed through the door with the long awaited white substance o' satisfaction, all was again right with the world and Obi came back to join the family.  Stay tuned next time for the alter ego that is 'No'bi'.   :)