Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Great Milk Meltdown

I've finally decided that these moments with my children can not possibly continue to go uncaptured any longer.  They are just too random and too precious and, I'm learning that if I wait too long to try to remember these stories and the things that they did and said that had me in awe or in stitches, it's usually too late and the moment has been lost in the chaos that is our life.  So, I've decided to try this blogging thing out and get these moments down, as they happened, for myself, for my children (and their spouses someday), and for anyone else who so chooses to read them.  

One such moment occurred this morning with Obi.  Keep in mind, at this point, Obi is now 2 years old.  He is officially 2 years and one month old this week.  This morning we experienced what will forever be referred to as the 'Great Milk Meltdown'.  We've begun to endearingly refer to these two year old moments of tantrum as meltdowns and, wow... was there ever a meltdown this morning.  To his credit, it was induced by my utter failure as a mother to ensure that our refrigerator is forever stocked with cold, refreshing, whole (red-capped) Obi-milk, ready and waiting for him at any given moment when his milk thirst might take over.  Upon waking up this morning and learning that we were (gasp!!) out of milk...  panic mode, shortly followed by impending meltdown quickly ensued.  Mommy quickly (after 10 minutes of.. 'is he really not going to get over this and drink something else?  Water?  Apple juice?  Dare I say... SOY milk?", scrambled to get clothed in order to make a dire milk run to squelch the problem.  In reference to the soy milk attempt above...  let's just say that it ended with a bottle being chucked halfway across the house in contempt.  

Minutes later, as mommy rushed through the door with the long awaited white substance o' satisfaction, all was again right with the world and Obi came back to join the family.  Stay tuned next time for the alter ego that is 'No'bi'.   :)


  1. Yeah, you are blogging...I love it! Too funny. This sounds exactly like TJ...he still will only drink whole milk (at three and a half) and will freak out if you try to give him the cheap stuff. Too funny! I am going to post your blog to my blog. Yeah for blogging!

  2. This post is hilarious. Welcome to the blogging community. I know Nikki and I will be following with great interest. See you guys soon!!

  3. yay for blogging!!!

    blurking = blog + lurking

    so if you like to read other peoples blogs (generally people you dont know in real life), and you do it in secret (i.e. you arent posting comments to let them know how you read them CONSTANTLY - b/c that is weird)....well then, my friend, you are blurking

  4. Holy HIlarious!! Seriously one of the funniest posts I have ever read! That kid is so freakin' cute!
