Monday, June 22, 2009

Catch Up

So the last couple of months have been a whirlwind, as is the norm in the life o' Dee. A quick run down of some of the more notable moments:
  • Obi went cold turkey on the bottle. No more bottles before bed time. We had a celebratory party to say 'Goodbye to the Babbas'! Have to say - I was about 99% sure that this tactic was not going to work out as nicely as it had played out in my head the 500 times that I'd carefully run through it with the hopes of avoiding a nuclear milk/babba meltdown. Surprisingly, my approach of 'expect the worst and you'll always be pleasantly surprised' came in handy, as Obi masterfully and ceremoniously took each bottle, one by one, and threw it in the garbage (with a quick 'by babba!'.. no tears even!). As soon as it was over, he was right back to his Wubbzy and didn't skip a beat. He's a Rock Star.
  • Obi grew up overnight... perhaps resulting from or in tandem (will never know for sure), Obi literally woke up one day a couple of weeks ago and decided that he was going to be a big boy. There was no resting on ceremony, no back and forth, no changing of the mind... he just simply was no longer a baby. This means that he now wants to 1) sleep in Jayden's big boy bed (which of course is a fun conversation on a nightly basis, 2) sit in Jayden's big boy car booster seat instead of his baby carseat (again, a quick and lovely discussion each time we get into the car), and 3) no longer sit in the 'baby' chair at the kitchen table (aka the nasty kid chair instead of mom/dad's nice expensive chairs). This has now resulted in 5 of the 8 'nice' chairs being re-allocated as 'whatever, lets the kids sit there, we'll have to get new ones anyway' chairs. OH, AND he is doing a MUCH better job at going potty in the BIG Boy Potty (no, not the $30 little kids starter potty that I bought... side note: why did I buy this? I did the same thing with Jayden and he never used it. Went straight to the big potty. I should start taking notes, just in case we do this again). No #2 yet, but LOTS of #1 and LOTS of wearing of the pull-ups, which is AWESOME!!!
  • Jayden is officially on summer break and about to turn 7 (reminder to self to start planning birthday soon). He's going to Salt Lake with the grandparents to visit his cousins and Aunt Ben/Deb and we've officially made the decision to let him fly by himself on the way home (they're driving up). That's all I'll say about that... the less I talk about it, the less I think about it, the less I'll worry and want to change my mind.
  • I've run into a few minor health issues over the last couple of months. Lots of tests, but all seems well. Found (by accident) a spot on my lung that we're going to monitor for the next couple of years via CT scan every 6 months. Nothing to be too concerned about (although I certainly had my share of 'let me worry about something that hasn't happened and is less than a 1% chance that it will', 'you better love me today in case I die' moments). I'm over myself now. Back to normal.
  • I prit much have the greatest husband in the land (not really sure what 'land' means, but thought it sounded more romantic and reminiscent of the old school movies). He's taken me out on TWO (not one people, but TWO) date nights in the last month. Not sure what I did, but it's working. Love him. OH, and we're going on a mini-vaca to The Sanctuary in a couple of weeks while Jayden is in UT. Just thinking about it is giving me a second wind already!
  • Okay, so likely resulting from all of the items above, I'm also reconsidering my stance on having more children. I know... must have lost my mind with the radiation from all of the xrays, tests in the last couple of months or something... BUT, there's something to be said about being given a real reason to re-prioritize your life. For real. I'm just so thankful for everyone in my life and everything I have and have accomplished and for all of the folks who have helped me and supported me along the way. This is where it's at and what it all means for me. The running until you're ragged, falling down at the end of the day from exhaustion, if only to get one more minute with those that you love or one more snuggle with the munchkins before bedtime. So - maybe a baby. Maybe a puppy. Maybe living and loving more of what we've already got. Either way, my cup runeth over.


  1. Finally - an update! You know I stalk your blog. Sounds like things are going great and you'll continue to be in our prayers. So, you actually put the thought of having another baby in writing. On your blog. Oh - you are so having another baby - yippie! Love you guys!

  2. I'm with Jenn ... once you write - on your blog - for the world to see - that you want another baby, you're having another baby ;O)
    LOVE IT! :o)
