Sunday, March 15, 2009

Greatest Invention EVER

As it's been a few weeks since the last update, there have been a few new happenings around the Dee Zone... a couple of firsts, some fairytale excitement, and perhaps the greatest invention that and single purchase that I've made in a long time (yes, a tremendous feat, in and of itself). 
  • Obi was down for his first full week of the year.  Unfortunately, the trooper took a high fever the first week of March and couldn't break it for about a week.  As usual, he was all smiles and sweet demeanor all week throughout (well, mostly), and even got to see his Oma at the end of the week.  Luckily, his fever broke on Friday, right in time for the weekend.  So far, we've managed to get by with no further sickness for the last week or so.  Knock on wood.
  • Jayden's been having fun at school the last couple of weeks, heading into Spring Break, and had a few exciting events:  A leprechaun came into his class and STOLE their stuff and WREAKED HAVOC on the classroom, causing need for all of the students to come home and build 'leprechaun traps' to take back to school to catch the little rascal.  It's a good thing that Jayden reminded mommy and daddy of this at 7:30am (as we were walking out the door) the morning that they were due.  Thank goodness for a level headed, quick thinking, and calm daddy early in the morning.  Lesson learned.  
  • Jayden also has been working on his math skills in 1st grade, focusing on higher level addition and subtraction.  With practice, his scores have been improving, along with his excitement for math (which is completely a daddy-handed-down gift).  In fact, I'm pretty sure the words "I love math" have never come out of my mouth, although I will admit that, if I could remember the names of any of my math teachers, I would absolutely defer the point to them that they were right in the fact that "someday, you'll realize just how important it is to understand mathematic principles, blah, blah...".  They were right.  I wonder how long it will take (i.e. what grade) my oldest child will blow past me in this area on daily homework night...  6th grade, 2nd grade?  :)  
  • So, for the highlight of my last two weeks (take that for what you will)...  my fabulous husband got me for Christmas a beautiful new bicycle...  PINK in all it's glory...  well, Jayden and I have been able to ride around the neighborhood, to school on occasion, etc. and it's been awesome.  I absolutely love it.  The only way to make it any better is if the entire family could go together...  so, me in all my brilliance, found the most wonderful item at Amazon (which, quickly became a purchase and landed on my front door)...  the children's front bike seat...  have to say, if I were to ever invent something, it would be this...  it's like the perfect invention...  it brings children joy, provides convenience to parents, promotes a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and overall family activity that does not involve sitting in front of a television...  take a look:
Did I mention that Obi LOVES IT!  Really, it is too funny.  The only problem so far is, once you've got him in his bicycle helmet, don't stop (i.e. at a park, etc.) and take it off, as he doesn't want to put it back on, which can be slightly problematic.  Baby (or, at this point, Toddler) steps.  :)